Love Like in the Movies

We help loving hearts find each other.

Our Results in Numbers








About Us

A fast-paced lifestyle needs a service that will take the reins in finding your perfect match, lover and life partner. We find singles to match your style and personality so you can cut through the numbers game and get to love.
Our agency is not just commercial. We treat this business with trepidation and love. We understand how scary it is to enter into a relationship with a new person, especially after several failures. Therefore, we are doing tremendous work in selecting a couple, and you go on a date only with the person with whom you have great chances for a joint future. Meet our matchmakers and find that person you’ve been searching for.

How to Find Your Love?

1. Send a request to the matchmakers;

2. Personally chat with our staff to draw up a profile;


3. Get free consultations with a stylist and psychologist;

4. Create a portfolio with our photographer for free;

5. Wait until we select a few candidates for you;

6. Go on a romantic date with each candidate;

7. If the selected candidates don't add up, we will offer more;

8. Find the love of your life;

9. Celebrate your spectacular wedding and be happy together!

Love Like in the Movies

Find your love or refresh the feelings in your existing couple.

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You Deserve to Love and to Be Loved

Open your heart to the love of your life, and believe in successful relationships.

Enjoy getting acquainted with smart, prosperous potential partners.

Go on dates and feel more self-confident, forthcoming and funny.

Believe again that dates can be enjoyable, interesting, and romantic.

Extend your circle of acquaintances and interests, feel comfortable with strangers.

Live happily ever after with your partner chosen from dozens of candidates.

100% Confidentiality

We match prominent people. We understand that nascent love is an intimate feeling that does not need to be showed off. Therefore, we carefully protect the privacy of our clients.
The profiles of our clients are not in the public domain, they are stored securely. We show the profile to our other client only if we are convinced that they will match.


  • What if I'm not sure about the desired qualities of my future partner?

    Don't worry, it's a common situation. We rarely meet a client who knows exactly what he/she wants from a partner. We help to make a portrait of your future chosen one together with a psychologist.

  • What if I don't like the chosen candidate after a few dates?

    That's OK. We strive to help you find true love, not just a suitable partner. If you don't feel like this is the very special person for you, we'll keep searching for a better match.

  • Can I take expensive presents or agree to go on vacations together?

    Sure, you can do whatever you want. Still, we recommend all our clients not to take very expensive gifts until you don't decide that this is a perfect match for you for now.

  • Where do dates usually go? What about the safety issues?

    You and the candidate decide on the place together, according to your preferences. We recommend to go on a date to some public place. A cafe or a walk in a park will do. We check all candidates in public databases, so you can be sure about their intentions.

  • How do I choose the perfect match? When should I stop?

    Listen to your heart, that's all! In fact, at the beginning of the matchmaking with Happy Couple, you work together with a psychologist to draw a portrait of your perfect partner. Address to it when you finally meet someone special. Anyway, there's no critical quantity of dates and candidates for you, we can search further.

  • When do I pay for your services? What are the options for matchmaking?

    We have 3 options: Single introduction deal, when you pay only once at the beginning of matchmaking, 6-months matchmaking service package with payments every month or in advance, 12-months matchmaking service package with lower monthly payments if you pay the full amount at once.

Ready to Fall in Love?

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505 E 3rd St, Los Angeles, CA 90013, USA